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Enable, grow & scale your open source project with LFX

Each open source project is unique. But they all face the same challenges. LFX provides the tools to for each participant in each stage.

Built from the Linux Foundation’s methodology for growing open source projects into category leaders, LFX is the fastest path to open source success.

Explore Tools

LFX gives projects like these the tools to make a significant impact

PyTorch Logo
Academy Software Foundation Logo
OpenJS Foundation Logo
Cloud Native Computing Foundation Logo
Hyperledger Logo

LFX = more doing / less busy work.

It’s the formula for success.

Experience the productivity gains of an integrated solution for joint planning and execution across organizational boundaries in your open source projects.

You do the leading, coding and growing. LFX helps with the managing.

Maintainers, contributors, and OSPO leaders rely on the LFX platform to help…

Work Time Distribution Chart
Make Data-Driven

Get 360° visibility on effort, outcomes and benchmarks across projects, organizations and individuals to make informed decisions. Utilize dashboards to share progress with stakeholders and developers.

Monitor Vulnerabilities

Make security part of the development process- Automatically detect potential vulnerabilities and suggests fixes. Secure code means sustainable projects and increased enterprise adoption.

Vulnerabilities By Severity Chart
New Contributors Chart
Engage & Grow
Project Ecosystems

Identify and increase the competence of each project participant. Grow team and community expertise through training, certification and mentorship to benefit from autonomously developed know-how.

Use The Tools
You Prefer

Choose from any available connectors to your preferred community tools and start tracking all activities and metrics.

Designed for developers

who make open source projects successful

LFX is the only platform build specifically for open source projects.

Community Feedback on LFX

Damani CorbinBoeing Open Source Program Office Strategy Lead

When talking about success in open source, as a trailblazer you get a chance to chart your success. What’s important is to be able to quantify and show the business value of open source across the board.”

Having LFX come with our LF membership made it easy for us to walk stakeholders through a demo of the product to show that we had insight as to what was going on across our organization, so we were able to get company buy-in, and it made it a lot easier than piecing the information together ourselves.

Eddie KnightSonatype, Developer Advocate Software & Cloud Engineer

“The OSPO was a way for us to open doors to create the streamlining that was needed for our developers, who were previously restricted to their environments that they were working in and given tasks in. We needed to open that up but there was no Insights or LFX that was in place. Without that, we were left wondering who is already doing these things, who’s already trying to do these things.”

Rob MoffatFINOS, Senior Technical Architect

As a developer if you’re working on a project that you want to keep for a long time what you don’t want to do is adopt a dependency or a library that within 6 months, 3 months, a year has been abandoned by the maintainers. And there’s no way to determine this, it’s like we’re just making a bet. Whatever information we can use to make that bet more insightful is useful.

Eddie KnightSonatype, Developer Advocate Software & Cloud Engineer

“The OSPO was a way for us to open doors to create the streamlining that was needed for our developers, who were previously restricted to their environments that they were working in and given tasks in. We needed to open that up but there was no Insights or LFX that was in place. Without that, we were left wondering who is already doing these things, who’s already trying to do these things.”

Eddie KnightSonatype, Developer Advocate Software & Cloud Engineer

“The OSPO was a way for us to open doors to create the streamlining that was needed for our developers, who were previously restricted to their environments that they were working in and given tasks in. We needed to open that up but there was no Insights or LFX that was in place. Without that, we were left wondering who is already doing these things, who’s already trying to do these things.”

LFX builds sustainable ecosystems for open source projects

Funds raised using LFX Crowdfunding
Mentees helped using Individual Dashboard
Meetings hosted using Meeting Management
Vulnerabilities Fixed